Even though your coaching business may be working well, there’s always room to improve or expand it, and you will need to keep your eye on what’s happening in the marketplace so that you’ll recognise and make use of opportunities.
So your next step in expanding your business could be to become accredited from an existing coaching service provider, so you can add a turnkey wing to your established business.
Advantages if Becoming An Accredited Coach
There are huge advantages in doing so. Your overheads will be much the same and you’ll be using the same infrastructure so an “add-on” business is truly economic. It will be far more profitable than your original business if established and run correctly.
By becoming an accredited agent for an established training organisation, you will be provided with full training, support, and the instruments needed to carry out your new profession. This is by far the easiest and most convenient way of setting up a turnkey business. And that’s why we are suggesting that you consider signing up with i3 Profiling as this provides you with exactly that – and at minimal cost.
Several thousand people, world-wide, have discovered the benefits of becoming an i3 Coach – which provides them with a turnkey business. Thousands of profiles have been performed and countless careers and lives enhanced through this process.
Why i3 Profiling?
i3 Profiling provides people with the opportunity to create job and income generating opportunities.
The i3 profile starts with a questionnaire which can be completed online. This is known as a profile.
The i3 profile takes about 20 minutes to complete and identifies a person’s individual ‘instinctive indicators’, ranking them from most to least dominant. Indicators are personality traits, preferences (likes and dislikes) and working style, to name just a few. The order of one’s indicators and their dominance is unique to each person.
“This is just one of the reasons why i3 Profiling is so powerful,” explains Keith Henderson, Director.
Written, diagrammatic and verbal feedback is then given to explain how the profile is developed. Profiles can be used for personal development, career advice, management and leadership coaching, to name just a few areas. It is often used in business environments for team-building.
“Whether a company team has two or 200 people in it, an i3 team profile will benefit them. Through enabling each team member to discover and understand how their instinctive indicators relate to other team members, everyone becomes more aware of why and how people in the team react the way they do to different situations. This cannot help but lead to greater mutual understanding, less conflict, more synergy and increased team effectiveness”, explains Keith Henderson.
To ensure that each person having a profile done is given accurate professional feedback, the person delivering the feedback has to be an accredited i3 coach. To become an i3 coach, a person (who is usually already an independent coaching or HR/L&D consultant) has to attend a training course to ensure they understand the values and benefits of the system.
How to become an accredited i3 Coach
There are two main types of people who become i3 coaches:
- Independent consultants: People who work independently as a consultant, trainer or coach will be able to attend the course and use the i3 profiling system with their clients.
- Internal corporate members: Organisations can arrange for a number of their key staff involved in management, HR, and people development, to attend the course and become i3 coaches. They will then be able to use i3 profiling with their own staff and prospective employees in their organisation.
The course is comprehensive and covers the following:
- i3 profile, the history.
- Indicators – in-depth definitions and understanding.
- Individual styles
- Feedback delivery.
- Applications for the i3 profile.
- Lead generation.
- Support and administration.
Courses are held both in the UK and South Africa.
- UK – courses are conducted nationally in major cities, with the majority being delivered in the city of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (Although in light of COVID19 we are now conducting online training)
- South Africa – course are conducted nationally in major cities, with the majority being delivered in Cape Town.
“Using i3 has really added to my coaching practice. The fact that each profile is individual (rather than based on a set report) adds real value to the coaching conversation. Seeing clients realise that it’s OK to be more of who they are and understanding how they can better interact with others is incredibly rewarding.”
Debbie Palmer – Coach, UK
The cost of the course varies according to whether you are an independent consultant or an internal member as part of a larger organisation. To discuss your individual needs and related costs, please contact i3 at the address given at the end of this article.
If you want to be profiled, you can contact an i3 coach and arrange for your feedback to be delivered virtually or in person.
The main benefits of becoming an i3 coach
- Minimal Cost. There are no huge licence fees to pay and it is highly cost effective.
- Simplicity. The questionnaires are carried out on line and you can provide the feedback via Skype if necessary.
- Quality. Unlike most personality and other assessments, every profile is individual and different. This makes the product offering unique.
- Satisfaction. You will enjoy considerable client satisfaction. Numerous testimonials show the high value of such profiling. These rewards are intangible.
- Established. Far from being a new business, it has been running for decades and tens of thousands of profiles have been conducted.
- Flexibility. i3 profiling can be applied to individuals, to schools for career guidance, in human resource departments for staff selection as well as to groups of people in companies for team-building – to name just a few applications.
- Kudos. It is internationally recognised.
- No limitations. The sky is the limit for making profits. There are no restrictions or limitations on the number of people you can train – as long as you maintain the high standards.
At this stage of your coaching career, you will have realised the immense value coaching and profiling offers you, your clients and society.
Few other careers provide you with the rare opportunity to increase the potential and happiness of another person. They will grow through your nurturing and, in turn, will help create a better society.
Are you considering becoming an accredited i3 coach?
It is a remarkably powerful way of expanding your consultancy.
Do not hesitate to contact us using the info below and we wish you immense joy working with the gift of coaching.
UK : [email protected]
South Africa : [email protected]
More info on training: www.i3profiling.com/training-options