The foundation of i3 and all its related tools and services hinges on an online assessment, called the i3 Profile. This assessment can be completed in just 15-20 minutes but its effects will last a lifetime. Taking into account 7 Individual Instinctive Indicators (i3), the assessment will reveal a totally unique combination for each person as well as provide insight into the environment they are likely to be most productive and fulfilled within – no two results generated from the assessment are the same.
To ensure accurate professional feedback, an accredited i3 coach examines the results of each profile to provide personal, bespoke feedback heightening both self and social awareness. If you are an individual completing an i3 profile, this feedback can occur face-to-face, via a web chat or telephonically. If you belong to a team, in which multiple people are being profiled, an accredited i3 coach can facilitate a team workshop so that everyone can better understand, appreciate and harness one another’s unique strengths (i3 dynamix). If you are an employer using i3 as a means of analysing potential employees, an automated recruitment report will be sent to you (i3 recruit).
There is no right or wrong profile. The order and spacing of your indicators highlight what is instinctive to you and what is less instinctive and requires more application. Together with a visual summation of your most productive environment (included in the i3 profile), your i3 coach will be able to identify what might be hindering you from being at your most productive – and suggest ways in which you can maximise your effectiveness whilst boosting your job satisfaction to help you reach your full potential.
Want to get i3 profiled? It’s easy!
Simply contact us to organise for your own individual feedback session to be delivered by one of our multiple accredited associates or why not get trained yourself.
The i3 dynamix session has been specifically designed for groups of people embarking on the i3 journey together. i3 team feedback is given – with every team member’s individual report summarised into a group format and delivered as a thought-provoking workshop. These workshops are usually 3 – 4 hours in length and the following could be covered:
- Re-cap on what i3 feedback represents, including bespoke feedback that takes actual team member’s profiles into consideration.
- Team indicator profile – an average i3 profile reflecting results for all the team members
- Team productive environment (PE) – plots each team member on the PE graph to highlight whether or not people are being pushed too far outside of their comfort zone and thus becoming less productive.
- Multiple activities to get the team interacting and exercising their newly exposed levels of social awareness.
- Set actions to ensure new findings are not wasted.
This approach has been successfully used for many different types of teams in various sectors. Whether you are a small working group, part of a large organisation or a sports team – the effects of i3 dynamix will take your team to another level.
See below examples of how we use the i3 data to support an i3 dynamix session:
As much as an individual feedback session increases self-awareness, the team dynamix session is all about increasing social awareness. By understanding each other better, team members tend to accept their differences more readily and the team becomes more cohesive. Decisions can also be made which enable individuals with the most suitable traits and attributes to take on tasks better suited to them.
So whether it be simple team building, identifying project teams or identifying skill gaps and opportunities – the i3 dynamix session has proven invaluable time and time again.
Simply contact us to organise for an i3 team dynamix session to be facilitated by one of our multiple accredited associates or why not get trained yourself.
Improve both your internal and external recruitment process with the support i3 recruit, helping you to identify natural ability and the right talent from your existing employees and potential candidate pool against the specific requirements of each role.
Widely used by HR professionals, line management, business owners and Recruiters these reports are specifically designed to enhance a professional recruitment & selection process by adding a new dimension, in conjunction with CV review, interviews, skill based assessments, referencing & possible work-based trials.
i3 recruit is simply a one-page recruitment report in conjunction with a one-page summary of your role profile.
An i3 recruit report is an easy to understand, one page report which gives you another angle by which to view and match the potential candidates applying for a specific vacancy. From completing our online i3 assessment a recruitment report can be generated which gives employers an objective insight into the instinctive and natural strengths and behaviours of potential candidates prior to interview and appointment.
The i3 role profile is carried out by you, the employer and should take no longer than 10 minutes for each role you are recruiting. Our report will translate your specific requirements in terms of competencies into i3 language and display, providing you with additional information within the matching process.
Direct management and facilitation of the i3 recruit reports can be accessed in real time via a dedicated online account, operating as an in-house system. As no expiry date applies, take advantage of our flexible, volume purchasing options, free training packages and personal account management support.
Reports are available in two levels-
Management level: any role or candidate who will be responsible for the management of others or anyone who has people reporting to them.
General level: any role or candidate without the responsibility of managing others.
Simply contact us and arrange to have i3 recruit facilitated by one of our multiple accredited associates or why not get trained yourself.
Profiling young adults can come with a risk as their individual personality traits are still forming and settling and it is likely that changes may be seen once they are older.
i3 career direction is an extra dimension to traditional career advice providing young adults with a one page, totally unique and individual report which will guide them towards greater awareness around how and where they are likely to perform and learn best.
From completing the same i3 profile assessment our accredited i3 coaches will share the results through a personal and insightful coaching session to help young adults (16-21 years) discover who they are and in turn find for themselves the best possible answers, options and outcomes around their own potential aspirations, career or education choices.
Simply contact us to organise an individual i3 career direction coaching session and report from one of our multiple accredited associates or why not become an i3 coach and get trained yourself.